愛心義跑之 “跑出人生”活動

歡迎參加由宗鄉青主辦,富貴集團全力支持的愛心義跑之 “跑出人生”活動!


日期 Date :19 Oct 2014 (Sun)
地点 Venue :中华人文碑林
Chinese Calligraphy Stone Gallery
1170, Jalan Sg. Lalang, Batu 30,
43500 Semenyih.

奖品 Prizes:冠军1st Prize : RM800
亚军2nd Prize : RM500
季军3rd Prize : RM300
安慰奖 Consolation : RM60 x 50

流程时间 Agenda Time :
- 7.00am 报到 Registration
- 8:00am 开始 Start
- 8:30am 早餐 Breakfast
- 9:00am "从心开始"分享会 Peace of Mind
- 9:30am 闭幕颁奖 Closing Awards

截止日期 Deadline : 18 Oct 2014 12pm
报名费 Fees:成人Adult RM30
                        學生Student RM10
(Breakfast & T-shirt included)

報名費請汇款至 Bank A/C:
MBB 5140 4842 0546
Persatuan Belia Xiang Lian Malaysia
Cawangan Wilayah Persekutuan

Personal Registration:
Step 1: Bank in fee
Step 2: Email the bank-in slip to: boeyhoo13@gmail.com

* specify your Name and IC number.
Step 3: Fill in the registration detail through