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Semenyih Nirvana Memorial Park, Qing Ming notice. |
如有任何疑問,歡迎致電:+6 (012) 927 5946(WELL TAN )
The annual Qing
Ming Festival is just around the corner. In an effort to ease this peakseason’s
influx of traffic during Qing Ming, Nirvana would like to remindvisitors to
practise carpooling on this honourable occasion. Visitors are encouraged to
visit Nirvana Memorial Park outside these dates (26/3, 27/3, 2/4 and 3/4) which
are considered the peak-seasons lots. Your thoughtfulness in caring for the
environment by containing traffic congestion is very much appreciated.
To pay respect
to your loved ones during QingMing, visitors are strongly advised to take
advantage of the school holidaythat falls on 12th – 20th March, to bring
theirwhole family to Nirvana Memorial Park. Nevertheless, Nirvana will make
everyeffort to ease the traffic, making your visit a pleasant experience.
•Please keep watch over your offeringsand personal belongings as the
management will not be responsible if the itemsare lost, misplaced or
•Setting off firecrackers is strictlyprohibited.
Nirvana Memorial
Park operates on a dailybasis until 5.00pm.
If you have
further enquiries, feel free to contact us :
+6 (012) 927 5946 (WELL TAN)